Friday, September 18, 2009

Daily Fruit + Play

Yesterday I ate:

8:00 . . . 1/2 small watermelon
11:00 . . some muscadine grapes
1:00 . . . more grapes
3:00 . . . grapes again
5:00 . . . tomatoes and cukes (above, a gift!)
7:00 . . . a ton of grapes, until I became giddy

Play: dance, yoga, secret obsession

A benefit of people discovering you have a thing for fruit is that they will often give you some! A colleague of my husband's sent me these cucumbers he grew himself. Thank you! I like to think that the Universe is providing for me through these people. It is a beautiful feeling to think of all the ways we are all helping each other along.

I think the highest thing would be a world where all is freely given. So it is good to practice that in the ways, big and small, that we can do it. ♥

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