8:00 . . . juice of 6 valencia oranges
10:00 . . juice of 8 valencia oranges
1:00 . . . 6 golden kiwi
2:00 . . . 1 heirloom cantaloupe
3:00 . . . 3 bananas
5:00 . . . 2 papayas
7:00 . . . 4 heirloom tomatoes + several zucchini
9:00 . . . 1 HUGE mango
Play: walking barefoot, dance, acrobatics, stretching
Lately I have come across some papaya and some GIGANTIC mangoes that are so good I can't believe it! Usually, I leave these tropical fruits alone in the store, as I think they are only really good right off the tree. (Not picked green and shipped.)
But wow, am I grateful for these sweeties! If I lived in the tropics, papayas and mangoes would be staples for me. They are such a treat! They both make me feel like a baby, eating the best quality baby food anywhere.
And also, this week I discovered a new (for me) fruit: golden kiwi. A super lucky find at Whole Foods! These also taste like baby food: light, creamy, soft, very sweet. These are far sweeter than green kiwi, and not acidic at all. I am in love with them! I'll add them to the list of things I would like to grow someday.
Man, I must be in the zone! This is usually a time of year where the pickin's are kinda slim until citrus season picks up. But right now I have so much good stuff that I don't know what to eat next! What a great problem. I feel almost guilty for so much abundance, when so many have nothing. If only we could get all of us and everyone planting fruit trees, this problem could be solved! There would be plenty to share.
I want to mention one detail, for those of you detail-oriented. I am listing what I eat and approximate times, not exactly accurate stuff. To me, it feels like I am eating all day long. I rarely actually sit down to eat a "meal." It is more like I am eating all day long, from morning 'til night, snacking on the best sugar on the planet! What a life!!! There is no way I could really record what and how I'm eating without being really anal.
Lately I have also been eating lots of black grapes and honeydew melons, and I just ordered the first organic dates of the season from Arizona. I thank my lucky stars every day that I am blessed to live this fruity life. ♥