9:00 . . . 1/2 large watermelon
1:00 . . . 1/2 large watermelon
3:00 . . . bag of cherries
4:00 . . . local tomatoes + pickling cukes (refreshing!)
5:00 . . . 1 large cantaloupe
6:00 . . . 4 bananas
8:00 . . . bit of watermelon juice
Play: barefoot walking, acrobatics, stretching
Summertime. . . and the eatin' is easy. . .
Man, the cherries are really good right now. Firm, sweet, minerally. And there are so many fruits available that I can hardly decide what to have. The Summer Solstice is tomorrow, and the abundance only gets better from there.
The watermelons keep getting crisper and sweeter. Each piece is like a large sugar cube to me. I never tire of them. ♥
Living on fruit is so EASY in the summer, and in warm locales. No slaving over a hot stove or grill, no complicated preparations or clean-up. While everyone is complaining about the hot temperatures, I am delighted it is finally warm. I feel cool as a . . . cucumber, cool as a . . . watermelon. Yes, these summer fruits really do help us stay cool and hydrated. Such beautiful intelligence from Mother Nature.
Lately, this thought is running in my mind, and it applies to everything, including eating:
Why choose complicated, when EASY is available???